Yuri's Wiki
00032023 1-11

Basic Information

Flask Wheel

Attack Damage Defence Life Musou
3 6 5 1 2

Basic Stats

Weapon Atk Dmg Def Life Mus Spd Jmp Advanced +
Strategist Fan 41 32 23 140 165 115 130 Fortify

Upgrade Stats

Level Weapon Name Atk Dmg Def Life Musou
1 Startegist Fan +26 +32 +31 +9 +25
2 Swallow Tail +29 +35 +34 +12 +28
3 Hawk Wing +32 +38 +37 +15 +31
4 Black Feather +35 +41 +40 +18 +34
5 Dark Feather +38 +44 +43 +21 +37
6 True Dark Feather +41 +47 +46 +24 +40


Strategist Fan & Swallow Tail

+ Fire + Ice
Sfan2 SFan2F SFan2I
+ Wind + Vorpal + Lightining
SFan2W SFan2V SFan2L

Hawk Wing

+ Fire + Ice
SfanR3 SfanR3fire SfanR3ice
+ Wind + Vorpal + Lightning
SfanR3wind SfanR3vorp SfanR3light

Black Feather

+ Fire + Ice
SfanR4 SfanR4fire SfanR4ice
+ Wind + Vorpal + Lightning
SfanR4wind SfanR4vorp SfanR4light

Dark Feather & True Dark Feather

+ Fire + Ice
SFan6 SFan6F SFan6I
+ Wind + Vorpal + Lightning
SFan6W SFan6V SFan6L



Emblem Description Stagger Stun Launch Knockback Rotation Lock Element SA
Thrust Single energy beam forward. O O
Pierce Calls down lightning hitting surrounding enemies. O C6 O
Crescent Slide forward while Fan swiftly moves from side to side in front of you.  Has wide range. O O
Moon Dash backward spinning fan around body twice. O C6
Eclipse Slowly walks forward while the Fan spins around your body shooting energy beams every interval. O
Fan Creates a purple spark in front of you, then warps Fan to shoot three parallel energy beams straight forward. O O


Target C1 C6
Thrust Pierce Crescent Moon Thrust Pierce Crescent Moon Fan Eclipse
Confront Good Ok Excellent Good Bad Good Ok Good Good Bad
Capture Bad Bad Good Good Bad Ok Ok Good Good Bad
Defeat Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad Good Good Bad Bad








Move Set

Attack Description Stagger Stun Launch Knockback Rotation Lock Element SA
Charge 2 Levitates the Fan upward. O
Charge 3 Shoots a single energy beam forward. ~ long distance. O O
Charge 4 Slides backward with a frontal Fan attack then slides forward with the Fan spinning around your body. Multi Input. O (Both hits) O (First hit)
Charge 5 Creates a large purple orb from your left hand O O
Evolution N2 > N3 > C4 O O (Last hit) O
Jump Charge Slams down creating a shockwave. O
Jump Attack Downward swipe with Fan out infront. O
Dash Attack Slides forward with Fan held out. O

Move Set Video



Type Mobility Juggles? Finisher does Description


Ground Nothing Continuously shoots 3 laser beams out in V shaped area as Fan moves from left to right continuously. Ends by shooting five lasers in front. Can rotate around.
True Musou Knockback Musou with added fire damage. Ending finisher is a large Yin Yang seal AoE while levitating up.

Musou Length

Musou 165-xxx xxx-xxx xxx-xxx xxx-xxx xxx-xxx xxx-xxx
Number of Hits - - - - - -

This table lists the Musou stat and how much Musou you will need to increase the minimum number of hits you will do. (Assuming you use the full length of the bar)

Do note that these numbers may not fully represent the minimum needed to increase the number of hits.


Musou's Video

Advanced +

Fortify - Grants hyper armor and Defense x2 to allied captain troops. and Ofiicer Base Officers

Advanced + Video

Motion Damage Values

D N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 E6 E7 E8 E9 JN JC C2 C3 C4 C5
Base 12 6 6 8 10 15 18 6 6 8 17 8 6 17 12 17+10 12

Thrust Pierce Crescent Moon Fan Eclipse Musou True
C1 C6 C1 C6 C1 C6 C1 C6
Base 8 0 5 10 12 10 12 8+8+8+8 5*N 10*N 10*N+20(fire)
  • D = Dash attack, N# = Normal attack, E# = Evolution attack, JN = Jump Normal, JC = Jump Charge, C# = Charge attack, True = True Musou.
  • What do these values mean? They determine how much damage you do per swing. Refer to the Battle Mechanics page for more details.
  • The N in the values represents each hit in multi-hit attacks such as jump charges, C3s, and Musous. The final number is usually the knockback finisher of the combo(if it has one).
  • "Base" represents the damage value of the attack by itself.
  • E8 always causes the enemy to be juggled often causing the E9 hit to do 50% damage. The value that is written in the table is the estimated value that E9 would cause if the enemy was not being juggled.

Temper Suggestion's

Please see the Editable Temper Section HERE and please note that these are Player's Suggestion's based on personal opinion.